My love for BasketBall when I was in High school, hoping someday I would grow taller and chase my Basketball dream, because all the tall guys in my school won’t let me showcase my lay ups and shooting skills lol..have you ever seen a short guy playing One-on-One with a tall guy? If yes, then you can imagine why I used to be jealous of the tall guys.
I used to be jealous of all the tall guys even outside the basketball court, during assembly in my High School, being one of the shortest in my class, they always made me stand in front during assembly..
If you are short and you’ve tried to buy food where there’s no queue, with scattered, hungry, tall guys behind you, like in shop 10 RedBricks (behind Jaja Hostel in Unilag), watch them raise their hands over your head.. then the person selling won’t see you.. If you know that feeling….you’ll understand why I used to be jealous of the Tall people.
I got more jealous of tall guys when Mode9 came to limelight, he was so dope, his raps and rhymes were tight, 2face and Vector are also tall peeps, then I began to feel bad and was like what’s up with the short Guys :(.. Not too long after, Timaya (Egberipapa 1 of Bayelsa) came through and I was so excited.. Uncle Jude Abaga popularly known as MI came through also I was a big fan and will forever be his fan!
“I used to be jealous of tall guys” not until the day I met the great men behind some of these tall guys, then I realised every tall man looks up to a short person male/ if you are a short fellow like me.. Just discover your self and make the tall people around you look up to you
Now it doesn’t bother me anymore that I’m short because tall people around me now look up to me…
Did you know Bill Gate the Billionaire is 5.57ft tall?
Plz share if you are short and want tall people to look up to you