It was a loud a thunderbolt.i initially thought it was a suicide bomb blast.we all looked towards the direction of the noise.Behold a magnificent factory building was ablaze.With the explosive sound,the workers of the factory ran out,running in different directions.Then,I saw a man collapse on the floor,out of desperation and died.Shortly after,the factory was salvaged.The machines and even the manufactured products,none was torched.The man,the investor died in vain,for he feared that all his life's savings had gone with the fire.Then i woke up from sleep. As i reflected on the dream,i realized that many of us behave like that entrepreneur.When we put all our hope on material things,we are bound to be anxious.We must learn to trust in god.Remember,your soul is more important than all earthly possessions.Job lost everything he owned,including his children,yet he neither sinned nor did he utter any foolish statement against god(Job 1:22).Unlike the foolish rich man(Luck 12:16-21)Job never trusted in his earthly possessions.Fven in his calamity,Job was not overwhelmed because he knew his redeemer live and so he looked forward to the joy of meeting him face to face and knowing him(Job 19:25). No matter the situation,seek God and trust in Him.The lord blesses those who trust in Him(proverbs 16:20). Prayer points: 1. Lord,help me to trust you with all my heart. 2. My treasure is heaven,i shall never be moved. 3. Every storm causing anxiety in my life,cease in Jesus name.amen..comment your Amen to receive your blessing


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